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Ceres - Organic Chickpea - Besan Flour [500g]
Ceres Organics Ceres - Organic Chickpea - Besan Flour [500g] $10.90
Made from organically and sustainably grown chickpeas, this flour is milled with meticulous care, using traditional methods and without treatments, such as chemical bleaching. CHICKPEA FLOUR’s earthy flavour works well in savoury dishes and gluten-free recipes. It’s a staple ingredient in many cuisines, such as Indian, Turkish and Italian, plus it makes the best flatbreads. It’s also packed with nourishing plant-based goodness, including high levels of protein and dietary fibre.
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Ceres - Organic Corn Starch - [400g]
Ceres Organics Ceres - Organic Corn Starch - [400g] $8.50
At Ceres Organics we like to keep things pure and simple. That’s why our corn starch is just that! It’s derived from certified organic corn. That’s it!A natural binding agent with double the thickening power of flour, corn starch can be used to improve the consistency of soups, sauces, desserts and so much more!
Ceres - Organic Ground Flaxseed - [250g]
Ceres Organics Ceres - Organic Ground Flaxseed - [250g] $8.90
At Ceres Organics we like to keep things clean and simple. So our ground flaxseed is just that! We take organically grown flaxseeds and grind them into this fine powder. Nothing added. Ground Flaxseed is packed with natural plant-based goodness, including dietary fibre, protein and around 6500mg of Omega-3 per serve! It's a super addition to your daily diet - simply throw into your smoothies, cereals, or yoghurts, or add to baked goods for a boost of nutrition. You can even mix with water to provide an egg-free binding alternative. Storage Pack includes oxygen absorber to maintain freshness. Refrigerate once opened. 
Ceres - Organic Potato Starch Flour - [300g]
Ceres Organics Ceres - Organic Potato Starch Flour - [300g] $9.90
Made from certified organic potatoes, that are peeled, mixed with water, and then dehydrated to form potato starch flour. POTATO FLOUR is light and very fine, it readily absorbs water when heated, so it makes an ideal thickening agent in sauces, soups and gravies. Plus is lends a soft and moist texture to baked goods.   Allergen: This product meets the requirements under the Crossed Grain Logo for limits of gluten less than 20ppm.
Tio Pablo White Corn Masa [800g]
Tio Pablo Tio Pablo White Corn Masa [800g] $11.50
Long before the Spanish introduced wheat flour to Mexico, the natives discovered how to derive whole protein from corn. By boiling dried corn kernels with lime, they chanced upon a chemistry that turns corn into a more nutritious food of complete protein. The lime-treated corn, called Masa de Maiz, became the staple of a burgeoning population and remains today the major food source in México. Core ingredient for making many Mexican dishes, such as corn tortillas, tamales and chalupas. Our masa is a product of California, gluten/dairy free, sourced from non GM seeds and grown away from GM crops.

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